
AB 482 (Mendoza) Job Killer Expanded Employer Liability - Increases potential liability exposure for hiring decisions by unduly restricting the ability of businesses to use consumer credit reports as part of the background check process. To be heard 6/29

SB 810 (Leno) Job Killer Government-Run Health Care - Creates a new government-run, multibillion-dollar socialized health care system based on a yet-to-be specified ‘premium structure’ — in essence, a tax on all employers. To be heard 6/29

SB 928 (Simitian) Consumer Products Information - Increases costs to consumers and creates a sometimes unworkable requirement for manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers of designated consumer products to provide a notice that lists all substances contained in those products on an internet website. To be heard next week

SB 1433 (Leno) Air Pollution Penalties - Increases air pollution penalties by automatically adjusting them for inflation, which reduces the likelihood that periodic, comprehensive reviews of such laws will be conducted by the Legislature. To be heard next week

SB 1275 (Leno) Job Killer Delays Residential Construction Industry Recovery - Hinders recovery of the residential construction industry by reducing the availability of credit due to delays in resolving delinquent loans by requiring lenders to determine a borrower’s eligibility for a loan modification prior to the filing of a notice of default.

SB 1316 (Romero) Job Killer Employer Tax Increase - Places California out of step with federal law and creates a disincentive for multi-state companies to invest in California by making it the only state to impose a tax liability when a company needs flexibility

SB 1272 (Wolk) Job Killer Discourages Investment - Creates uncertainty for California employers making long term investment decisions by requiring all future-enacted investment incentives to sunset after seven years. To be heard 6/26

SB 1391 (Yee) Worst bill of the year Creates Employer Tax Credit Uncertainty - Eliminates the incentive effect of future-enacted tax credits by requiring employers to repay the state for credits claimed in years where their businesses experience a net loss of employees, whether or not the reduction of employees was connected to the effectiveness of the credit. To be heard 6/26

SB 974 (Steinberg) Undermines Economic Development - Threatens California’s economy and economic recovery by effectively gutting the California Enterprise Zone (EZ) program hiring tax credit and in turn increasing employer taxes in order to fund a new education tax credit. To be heard 6/29, good chance of this getting killed


SB 1192 (Oropeza) Job Creator Increases Construction Jobs - Creates construction jobs building travel infrastructure and creates a better travel environment for state business and tourism.

AB 222 (Adams) Job Creator Green Energy — Encourages new investment and job creation by allowing conversion of solid waste to energy at a biorefinery to count toward meeting the state mandate that 20 percent of energy come from renewable sources by 2010. To be heard 6/26

Budget Update:

•    The constitutional deadline (June 15) has passed for the budget to be approved
•    No budget in sight, this will go on for quite a while •    Parties not really talking
•    Cannot borrow to get out of this fix (Prop 58)
•    Candidate Jerry Brown (Gov) just wants cuts made now
•    IOU will have to be passed out by end of August
•    Governor looking to drop state employees to minimum wage
•    Candidate Mike Villines (Insurance Commissioner) votes are up against Dave Jones

You are encouraged to go the Cal Chamber’s website to view the letters you can send to oppose / support these bills.