AB 482 (Mendoza) Expanded Employer Liability - Creates an increased exposure to liability for hiring decisions by unduly restricting the ability of employers to base employment decisions on the evaluation of all legally available information, including consumer credit reports.

AB 933 (Fong) Utilization Review - Increases the cost of performing utilization review (UR) on medical treatment requests by requiring all doctors who make UR decisions to be licensed in California.

AB 2666 (Skinner) Stigmatizes Employers Using Tax Incentives - Creates duplicative and burdensome new reporting requirements for California employers, and would stigmatize them for taking advantage of investment incentives by requiring the Franchise Tax board (FTB) to provide their private tax information in a searchable online database.

SB 1006 (Pavley) Climate Change Adaptation Strategies: Sustainable Communities - Fosters a no-growth mentality by prematurely providing data to local government & regional agencies on climate change adaptation strategies that could become the de facto blueprint for the planning and development of sustainable communities.

SB 928 (Simitian) Consumer Products Information - increases costs to consumers and exposes confidential business information by prohibiting the manufacture, sale or distribution of a designated consumer product unless the manufacturer discloses each ingredient contained in the product on an internet website.

SB 220 (Yee) Increased Costs - Increases health care premiums by requiring health plans and insurers to cover counseling, prescriptions and over the counter treatments for smoking cessation, while prohibiting any co-pay, deductible or other cost sharing.

SB 1275 (Leno) Delays Residential Construction Industry Recovery - Hinders recovery of the residential construction industry by reducing the availability of credit due to delays in resolving delinquent loans by requiring lenders to determine a borrower’s eligibility for a loan modification prior to the filing of a notice of default.

SB 1474 (Steinberg) Increased Agricultural Costs - Undermines the process that now guarantees, through secret-ballot elections, a fair vote and the expression of agricultural employees’ true sentiments on the selection of a collective bargaining representative. This act will hurt California’s businesses by driving up costs, making employers less competitive in a global market.

SBX6 19 (Florez) Stigmatizes Employers Using Tax Incentives - Stigmatizes California employers for taking advantage of investment incentives by requiring the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) to provide related private tax information in a searchable online database.


AB 222 (Adams) Green Energy — Before amendments would have encouraged new investment and job creation by allowing conversion of solid waste to energy at a biorefinery to count toward meeting the state's renewable energy goals. After amendments, bill is a Solid Waste Definitions bill that provides little to no benefit to the state’s environmental and energy goals.

Budget Update:
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Governor attempted to move state workers to minimum wage, controller filed suit, court says cannot not do Governor reinstated furlough days, with exception to 6 unions who agreed to pension reform IOU’s will have to be passed out by end of August

You are encouraged to go the Cal Chamber’s website to view the letters you can send to oppose / support these bills.