Government Affairs Committee
Resolutions Taken on April 19, 2010


If there is any objection to these positions, please inform the United Chambers office by email
no later than Friday April 23, 2010 (5:00 PM). If there is the requisite number of objections, the issues will be brought before the next
General Assembly Meeting on May 12, 2010.  If the objections do not meet the requirements of the current By-Laws, the positions will
become the policy of the United Chambers.

Please review the six (6) positions taken:

1.    Support - AB 2466 (Regulatory Oversight) extends the time between legislature voting on regulations and implementation from 30 days to 90 days to allow more analysis of implementation by
       regulatory agencies.

       In favor – 11
       Opposed – 0
       Abstained - 1

2.    Oppose – R 30/10 (Transit Plan) to allow more analysis of highway construction, job creation and regional fairness of proposed project.

      In favor - 14
      Opposed – 0
      Abstained - 1

3.    Support - Prop 17 which allows continuous coverage auto insurance discount

      In favor – 12
      Opposed – 0
      Abstained – 2

4.    Opposed – AB 1594 (Huber) additional crucial detailed analysis of water conveyance construction projects in the Sacramento Delta
       In favor – 14
       Opposed – 0

5.    Support HR 4349 and S 2891 allows us to continue to receive low cost emission free hydropower from Hoover dam that moves water in So. Ca region
       In favor – 14
       Opposed – 0

6.    Support – SB 955 (Huff) putting education ahead of special interests and protecting classroom spending
       In favor – 15
       Opposed – 0

In keeping with United Chambers of Commerce current By-Laws, all of the above resolutions will be affirmed unless three (3) Chambers, the GAC Chair,
the United Chambers Chair, or three (3) members of the Board of Directors notify Sean McCarthy (GAC Chair), of their request to have an action or actions discussed
further at the May 12, 2010 General Assembly Meeting. The request must be made within two (2) days of the distribution of this report.