February 23, 2010
The Honorable Joe Simitian
Chair, Senate Committee on Environmental Quality
State Capitol, Room 2080
Sacramento, CA 95814
Dear Senator Simitian:
The United Chambers of Commerce, which represents 32 chambers and organizations, encourages you to support Governor Schwarzenegger’s California Job Initiative, by approving his five bill package, including the bill up for vote Wednesday in the Senate, CEQUA Litigation, SBx8 42, Correa & Cogdill.
This is NOT a CEQA exemption.
We need to get people back to work now. One of the best ways we can do that is to offer a limited scope of projects that have already provided CEQA review, protection from CEQA litigation…. which are simply being held hostage in court.
A myriad of important economic development projects are being held up due to frivolous lawsuits under the guise of the CEQA statute. Companies are suing companies in order to disadvantage their competition, housing projects are being halted under NIMBY issues, and ultimately our economy is suffering. In addition to the loss of jobs and ultimate impact on our economy, the public and private sector spends millions of dollars defending these frivolous lawsuits at the ultimate cost to consumers, jobs and the economy.
We need to get people back to work and jumpstart the California economy.
Sean McCarthy
Chairman, Government Affairs, United Chambers of Commerce
of the San Fernando Valley
CC: Honorable Lou Correa
Honorable Dave Cogdill